Jim Logan



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Content coming soon.

Richard Leech

Richard Leech

Vice Chair


07966 466507

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Councillor Profile

Richard joined the Council in 2005 and has been Chairman on two previous occasions, latterly until 2023. He is responsible for internal audit checks on accounting reports prepared by the Responsible Finance Officer (RFO) including quarterly bank reconciliation, budget monitor and VAT reclaim. He meets with the RFO and internal auditor annually. He sits on the Ward Alliance grants panel with Barnsley MBC ward councillors. 

Parish Council committees – Chairman of Silkstone Playing Fields Working Party. Chairman of the Staffing Committee, Chairman of Media Working Party, Chairman of Grants Working Party, Chairman of Allotments Working Party and member of Finance Committee and Business Development Working Party . Link Councillor to CARE, Silkstone United Football Club, Silkstone United Cricket Club and Huskar Community Rooms Committee.

Special interest in sport, the environment and generally making the Parish a better place to live.

Derek Liddell

Derek Liddell


Silkstone Common

01226 790509

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Content coming soon. 

Meryl Liddell

Meryl Liddell


Silkstone Common

01226 790509

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Meryl joined the Council in 2011, she represents the Parish Council on the Silkstone Charities Committee.

Parish Council committees: Media Committee

Link Councillor to .

Special interests:

Originally from Liverpool, I moved to Silkstone Common 25 years ago with my husband and two children. Derek and I have lived in the ‘village’ ever since. Our two young daughters grown up, and flown the nest, now having children of their own. This is my second time on the Parish Council, having previously left due to family commitments. I work full time for Berneslai Homes in Barnsley. I hope to use my experience of working within the community engaging with local residents to the advantage of the residents of Silkstone Parish.

Debra Smith

Debra Smith


Silkstone Common

07443 221784

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Content coming soon. 

Peter Millar

Peter Millar


Silkstone Common

07970 118679

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Councillor Profile

Joined Silkstone Parish Council in 2019. Originally from Edinburgh, my family and I moved to Silkstone Common in 2011. My Son attended SCJ&I School and Penistone Grammar and is now attending the London School of Economics. I love the area and joining the Parish Council has allowed me get more involved with community.  

Parish Council committees – Planning and Staffing 

Working Parties - Allotment, Business Development Plan and Media

Steering Groups- Neighbourhood Planning  

Link Councillor - Paramount Cinema. 

Special interests: Community engagement, youth support, technology, anything creative and cinema 

Janice Wake

Janice Wake



07540 957639

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Councillor Profile

Coming Soon



Parish Council committees – 

Working Parties -

Steering Groups- Neighbourhood Planning



Parish Councillors are linked with a number of local groups, represent the Council on outside organisations and are members of the Parish Council’s committees. With a maximum of 9 Councillors on the Council this means the workload can be shared. Councillors who have recently joined the Council will have fewer responsibilities than those who have served the Council for a number of years until they become familiar with how the Parish Council and its Committees work.

All Members of the Council are required to complete a Register of Interests under the Localism Act 2011, the form is the Notification to the Monitoring Officer of Barnsley MBC of any disclosable pecuniary interests to be entered on the Register of Members' Interests.


The complete register of members interests can be found by clicking on this link Register of Interests Silkstone Parish Council